Exceptional Lawn Care Services
3802 FM 1385 Aubrey, TX 76227
Mon-Fri: 9AM-5PM | Sat: 9AM-12PM

Some of our customers just have us mow and trim their lawn, and that is perfectly okay.  We offer a variety of services to keep your lawn and landscape healthy and beautiful.

Our prices are very competitive, and we base our fees upon the amount of work or labor that is needed. As a result the cost of most properties will be different. We will be happy to give you a free estimate before you schedule services or make an appointment.

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Decorate your home with roof eve and ridge, walkway and pathway, archway and windows. We also wrap trees and shrubs to make your outdoor holiday lighting complete. Visit Holly Jolly Lighting to see examples of our work.


We paper mail and/or prefer to eBill an invoice every four weeks for services rendered that month, which is due two weeks after. If payment is not received by the due date of the due month all accounts are subject to 5% late fee and will be submitted to the credit card number provided on file.

Payment is preferred by Check or Money Order.